RATE SHEET: : No 1 starts at £10 each.
(£200 minimum order on all jobs)
1. Blunt superfast ‘Dove’ storyboards. £10
1b. Same basic sketches but more wide shots, so shading is reduced. £10
2. Cartoony, but with a sharper pencil and more time spent on certain details £12.
2b. Basic style but with a lot more perspective in the backgrounds so that eats up time. £12
See also M&S, Sony PS3, Carphone Warehouse, & Littlewoods
3. More detailed backgrounds, slight likeness to ‘celebrity’. £14
See also Radio5 Live, Barclays Premiership, & Channel5 Street Crime.
4. Sharper lines and more detail £15
See also Sunsilk, Johnson & Johnson, Cravendale, & Vauxhall
5. Larger pictures – nine to a A4 page [landscape] £20
See also Dove, Sainsburys, Sony PSP & T-Mobile
6. Even larger, more detailed pictures. £25
See also Dove, Westfields, Forevermark, Nat West & Vodafone
A2 sized Concept Art for Absolut Vodka. £1500
See also Set Design, Kenko Set Concept, Thunderland Album Cover.